Cheer Our Team On To Victory.Weve Got To Play This Game To Win The Day,Weve Got To Play Hard, Get In There And Make It Pay.Its Time To Fight On To A Victory;Stand Up And Roar With All Your Might!Go! Go! Lions, Go!Get Out And Fight!Fight! Fight! Hey!!!
La Salle Explorers
Fight, fight, fight, fight;Fight on, Explorers;Fight on for L.S.U.Give ’em “L”Give ’em “A”Give ’em “S-A-L-L-E”So fight on to victory!
Lafayette Leopards
“Lafayette Fight Song 1898” There is a college called Lehigh, called Lehigh.Whose boys think they are very spry, very spry,But they can’t beat Lafayette at football.They’ll never make a point at all. (Chorus)Fare thee well, for we must beat you,Do not let this snowfall grieve you,For remember that our boys have learned the game, the […]
Lake Forest Foresters
Fight for Lake ForestFight for the Red and the BlackWe’ll take the ballRight thru them allNothing can hold us backFIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!We’ll stand togetherLoyal and ever trueFIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!For Lake ForestFight for old L.F.U.
Lamar Cardinals
“Go Big Red” Fight Lamar University CardinalsFor Alma Mater, Fight GloryIn the Triumph of theRed and the White.Faithful to your colorsWe will be ever fightingEver fighting for LamarUniversity victory.Let’s go B-I-G R-E-DBig Red, Big Red!
Lawrence Technical Institute
“Dear Old L.I.T.” Tho’ time divides us allWe shall never prove untrue,No matter what the callOur loyalty we pledge to you.Rah! Rah! Rah!Dear old L.I.T.We love the Blue and White you’re flying,Thru the years to be‘Twill ever tell of love undying,And in the class or on the fieldWe’ll bring you honor, victory,All hail to theeOur […]
Lawrence Vikings
“Viking Song” Down the field for Lawrence teamWe’ve got to fight‘Round the ends and thro’ the lineOn Blue and White Go get ’emON VIKINGS!Lawrence sons will spread her fameTheir loyalty fightLawrence will make this game a victory
Lehigh Mountain Hawks
“Rearing Tearing” Rearing, Tearing down the field, down the field,Lehigh’s team will never yield, never yield,Past the last white line that marks the goal,And brings a victory again to old Lehigh.And, when the big brown team goes crashing through, crashing through,Rivals don’t know what to do, what to do.Rooters cheer another victory for old Lehigh!
Liberty Flames
“Fan the Flames!” Fan the Flames! Fan the Flames!Fan the Flames of Liberty!Fan the Flames! Fan the Flames!Fan the Flames of Victory!Fan the Flames and be trueTo the Red, White and Royal BlueLet the fire in your name set the spirit aflameWin a vict’ry for ol’ LU!
Kansas State Wildcats
“Wildcat Victory” Fight, you K-State Wildcats,For alma mater fight! FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!Glory in the combatFor the purple and the white.Faithful to our colorsWe shall ever beFighting, ever fightingFor a Wildcat victory. Go State!