Madison, James MadisonWe are the Dukes of JMUMadison, James MadisonThe fight’n Dukes of JMUFight for gloryHonors wonBrighten the lights of MadisonMadison, James MadisonShow your colors proud and trueWe are the Dukes of JMU.
John Carroll
Onward on, John CarrollFor we came to see you win, gold and blueOnward on, John CarrollOn to greater goals and victories new.Onward on, John CarrollFor our faith in you is boundless and trueDear alma mater, we’re all for youAnd for the gold and blue.
Johns Hopkins Blue Jays
“To Win”(played after a goal is scored) To Win, to win,You’d like like Hell to win.But you’ll have to wait,‘Til the moon turns green,And the Brass Band plays “God Shave the Dean”!Hi-lo, Hi-lee,It’s plain as A-B-C,If anyone’s going to win today,It’s we, we, we! “Johnny Hopkins On To Victory”(played as the team takes the field) […]
Juniata Eagles
“Fight On J.C.” Thru mud or dust, Thru grime or grit,Fight on, J.C., fight on!In heat or cold, in rain or snow,Fight on, J.C., fight on! (Chorus)Go down the line and take it thru,You’ll win the game, we’re backing you,Fight on, J.C., fight on! You’re on the field to play the game,Fight on, J.C., fight […]
Illinois State Redbirds
Go you Redbirds onto battle, fight for ISU.Raise the banner, Red and White, to this emblem we’ll be true.So let us cheer the Redbirds onto victory.Every voice proclaim: We’ve got the fight, We’ve got the might.Let’s win this game! ISU Go!
Illinois Wesleyan
Hail, Hail the gangs all here,All out for WesleyanSo, let’s join in a cheerWhile we’re all gathered hereCheer for old Wesleyan!We are ready to fightFor the green and whiteOf dear old WesleyanFor her honor and fameAnd her glorious nameWe’ll stand every loyal fan!So, let’s cheerHey!Cheer,Hey!Gang’s all here,All out for Wesleyan!T-I-T…A-N-S…Titans, Titans, you’re the best!Goooooo TITANS!
Indiana Hoosiers
“Indiana, Our Indiana” Indiana, our IndianaIndiana, we’re all for you!We will fight for the cream and crimsonFor the glory of old IUNever daunted, we cannot falterIn the battle, we’re tried and trueIndiana, our Indiana,Indiana we’re all for you! I-U! “Indiana Fight” Fight for the Cream and Crimson,Loyal sons of our old I. U. Fight for […]
Indiana State Sycamores
“March On!” March on! March on, you fighting Sycamores, Sycamores,March on, you Statesmen tried and true.March on! March on, to glorious vic-to-ry.Raise that flag of Royal Blue!March on! March on, you fighting Sycamores, Sycamores,Shout out the vic-t’ry song!Onward, ever onward to our goal, as you march, on and on!
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Hail, IUP! Give a rousing cheer!Go, IUP, for victory is near!Drive, IUP! Push on toward the goal!Hail, IUP! So onward roll!
Iowa Hawks
“The Iowa Fight Song” The word is fight, fight, fight for IowaLet every loyal Iowan singThe word is fight, fight, fight for IowaUntil the walls and rafters ring. (Go Hawks!) Come on and cheer, cheer, cheer for IowaWe’re gonna cheer until we hear the final gunThe word is fight, fight, fight for IowaUntil the game […]