“March On!” March on! March on, you fighting Sycamores, Sycamores,March on, you Statesmen tried and true.March on! March on, to glorious vic-to-ry.Raise that flag of Royal Blue!March on! March on, you fighting Sycamores, Sycamores,Shout out the vic-t’ry song!Onward, ever onward to our goal, as you march, on and on!
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Hail, IUP! Give a rousing cheer!Go, IUP, for victory is near!Drive, IUP! Push on toward the goal!Hail, IUP! So onward roll!
Iowa Hawks
“The Iowa Fight Song” The word is fight, fight, fight for IowaLet every loyal Iowan singThe word is fight, fight, fight for IowaUntil the walls and rafters ring. (Go Hawks!) Come on and cheer, cheer, cheer for IowaWe’re gonna cheer until we hear the final gunThe word is fight, fight, fight for IowaUntil the game […]
Iowa State Cyclones
Oh, we will fight, fight, fight for Iowa StateAnd may her colors ever fly.Oh, we will fight with might for Iowa StateWith the will to do or die!Rah, Rah, RahLoyal sons forever trueAnd we will fight that battle through.And when we hit the line we’ll hit it hard,every yard for I-S-U!
“Heidelberg Victory March” Fight on, oh Heidelberg starlwart and trueThere on the gridiron our college defendBear thru the conquest her colors brightSee how they float on high! Keep them forever untouched by disgraceBear on her banners caressed by the sunCherish them ever up on the battle fieldsBear them to victory. Undimmed by passing on the […]
Hillsdale Chargers
Hillsdale Chargers put up a fight,Make us proud to wear blue and white.We will prove we’re up to the test,and that the Chargers will be the best. Clap your hands let’s stand up and cheer,Now’s the time and this is our year.Here’s the chance for everyone to see,Chargers charging to victory.
Hofstra Flying Dutchmen
March on, march on, old Hofstra teamProud of it’s Blue and Gold (BLUE AND GOLD!)Carry our banner down the fieldFIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!That line must hold, hold, holdKeep Driving…Go on you Flying Dutchmen GoLoyal, strong and true we’ll always be (always be)March on, march on for HOFSTRA,on to VIC-TOR-Y!
Holy Cross Crusaders
“Maime Reilly” Oh, Maime Reilly, going far away.Oh, Maime Reilly, won’t be back today!Come kiss your daddy now before we part,Oh, Maime, Maime, Maime Reilly!Slide Kelly, Slide,Casey’s at the bat,Oh Maime Reilly, where’d you get that hat?Down in Old Kentucky,Go, Cross, Go,Oh, Maime, Maime, Maime Reilly!
Hope College Flying Dutchmen
Fight on you big DutchmenDefend the orange and blueBe strong and mighty and shout out your loyaltyGo, Hope!!! Fight on you big DutchmenDefend the orange and blueBe strong and true and mighty tooAnd come out with a victory!!! ]]>
Houston Cougars
Cougars fight for dear old U of HFor our Alma Mater cheer.Fight for Houston UniversityFor victory is near.When the going gets so rough and toughWe never worry ’cause we got the stuff.So fight, fight, fight for red and whiteAnd we will go to victory.