“Hampton Fight Song” All hail, to the Hampton PiratesRulers of the sea,All hail, to the Hampton PiratesBest team they’ll ever be!!All hai! Hail! Hail! To the mighty Hampton Pirates,Hail to the White and Blue!It’s H-A-M-P-T-O-N,Hampton Pirates fight to win,Hampton Pirates we love you!!
Harvard Crimson
“Ten Thousand Men of Harvard” Ten Thousand Men of Harvard want victory todayFor they know that o’er old EliFair Harvard holds sway.So then we’ll conquer all old Eli’s men,And when the game ends we’ll sing again:Ten thousand men of Harvard gained vict’ry
Hawaii Rainbows
Here’s to our dear HawaiiHere’s to our Green and WhiteHere’s to our Alma MaterHere’s to the team with fightRah! Rah! Rah!Here’s to old warriors callingHere’s to old battles wonHere’s to Hawaii’s victoryHere’s to each valiant son.
Georgia State Panthers
“Panther Pride” Panther Pride, hail to the University,Panther Pride, your name will live in history.We’ll fight for your honor,And sing of your fame,Carry the glory of Georgia State’s name.We hear the echoes past, they call to fast break to the line,To win the game each time.So take your hats offTo the blue and white and […]
Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
“White & Gold”(Played after a touchdown) So then it’s up with the White and GoldDown with the Red and the BlackGeorgia Tech is out for a victoryWe’ll drop our battle axe on Georgia’s head, CHOP!When we meet her our team will surely beat herDown on the old farm there’ll be no soundTill our bow wows […]
Gettysburg Bullets
“Loyalty Song” Fair Gettysburg our Alma MaterHear us praise thy name,We’ll ever lend our hearts and handsTo help increase thy fame.The honor of old GettysburgCalls forth our loyalty.So cheer RAH! RAH!Old G’ burg’s BulletsOn to victory!
Gonzaga Bulldogs
“For the White and the Blue” Onward, we cry! Conquer or die!All for the White and Blue.White for the honor, Blue for the courageAnd our love of old G.U.FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!Carry her name, carry her fame,Charging like warriors true.Our battle cry, conquer or dieFor the glory of Gonzaga U. “Pep Song” When the brawny Bulldogs […]
Grand Valley State Lakers
“G.V.S.C. Victory” Grand Valley victory, as the Lakers we have pride.Our team will lead us on, Blue and WhiteWe’re at your side.We want a Grand Valley victory, as our foes will quickly see.Raise! Your! Voices and cheer for aVIC-TO-RY!
Grinnell Pioneers
“Here Come the Pioneers!” The men of old were strong and bold, and full of energy,They started out with song and shout the country for to see.O’er hill and plain, with might and main, they wandered far and wideAnd never feared, but pioneered, whatever might betide. (Chorus)Here come the Pioneers of Old Grinnell!Everybody stands and […]
Hartford Hawks
“Hartford On To Victory” The red and white are set for victory,The Hawks are the best that can be;Oh Hartford has spirit that is next to none,For sure we are NUMBER 1!We’ll win every battle with a shout and cheer,Our message is really very clear;On red and white,Go out and win the fight,Go Hartford CHARGE […]