Fight, fight, for Dickinson,Never give in.Fight ’til the end, boys,Might and right will winSo keep on fighting ’til victory,Crowns every man and then it’sfight, fight, fight, fightFor Dickinson!
Drake Bulldogs
Here’s to the one who wears the “D”,Makes a good fight for Varsity,Here’s to those who’ve fought and won,Makes a good fight as a true Drake alum,Here’s to the one who’s brave and bold,Ready to battle like days of old,Fights like a bulldog for victory!Oh, here’s to the one who wears the “D”!
Drexel Dragons
“Drexel Marching Song” Now come we’ll loudly cheer for DrexelAll stalwart sons so staunch and trueProudly now our flags are flyingBrilliant colors Gold and Royal BlueWe’ll cheer themMarch march on to vict’ryUndaunted is our waySo we’ll win this dayHip, hip hoorayOur glory will live for aye.
Duke Blue Devils
“Fight Blue Devils” Fight, Fight Blue Devils,Fight for Duke and the Blue and White.March on through,For the touchdown’s there for youGo get ’emDuke is out to win todayCarolina goodnightSo turn on the steam teamFight Blue Devils fight!
Duquesne Dukes
We’ll sing hurrah for the Red and Blue,A big hurrah for the Red and Blue…..For the flag we love, on to victory,and when the foe is downed,We will raise a mighty shoutAnd sing hurrah for the Red and Blue.We’re all your sons and we’re all true,So with all your might,give them FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT,For […]
Cornell College Rams
“Cornell Fights” Cornell fight for victory,Cornell fight for fame,Ever show our loyaltyEver praise her name.Loyal ones of old CornellFight for the Purple and the White;Keep her colors waving high andFight! Fight! Fight! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! CORNELL!FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! CORNELL!YEAH TEAM! YEAH TEAM! FIGHT!
Creighton Blue Jays
“The White and The Blue” The White and the Blue!Colors true, it is you we defend.Fearless for you,Our might to the fight we will lend.So wave, colors, wave,We will fight on for your glory.White and Blue!We will fight till the fight is won. The White and Blue!The fame of your name we will sing.Honor to […]
Dakota State Trojans
DSU, South Dakota,Yes you bet we’re here,And we got the good right with us,Nothing do we fear,RAH! RAH! RAH!DSU, South Dakota,Proudly bear thy name,So, Fight fellas FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!We’ll win this game!
Dartmouth Big Green
“Dartmouth’s in Town Again” Dartmouth’s in town again, Team! Team! Team!Echo the old refrain, Team! Team! Team!Dartmouth, for you we sing,Dartmouth, the echoes ring,Dartmouth, we cheer for you!Down where the men in Green, play on play,Are fighting like Dartmouth men,We have a Dartmouth team, and say,Dartmouth’s in town again!
Columbia Lions
“Roar, Lion” When the bold teams of old wore the blue and white,Deeds of fame made their name here at old Columbia,Nowadays, we can praise fighting teams again,Hear the Lion roar his pride,While the men of Morningside,Follow the blue and white to victory! Roar, Lion, RoarAnd wake the echoes of the Hudson ValleyFight on to […]