Fight! For the glory of Carnegie!Fight! For the glory of the clan!Let your eyes be ever on the Tartan bright,As we stand united ev’ry man fight fight fight!Fight ev’ry loyal son of Skibo,Fight ’til we win the victory!The Kilties are coming hurray, hurray,The Kilties are coming, they’ll win today,For they’re fighting for the glory of […]
Case Western Reserve Spartans
“Fight On, Case Reserve” Fight on, you men of Case ReserveMake foemen fear your strength and verveDisplay the old unflinching nerve —Go, Case Reserve, fight on! In days of yore in annual boutAcross the fence, we fought it outThe fence is down, today we shout:Go, Case Reserve, fight on! The blue and white team we’ll […]
Catholic University of America Cardinals
“C.U. Marching Song” Sing a song of C.U.A. for all the world to hear,Drink a toast to Alma Mater, praise her far and near,Make a vow you’ll e’er be true and do what she taught right,Whether we win or whether we lose, we’ll never give up the fight,Down the field the men in red and […]
Central Arkansas Bears
“U.C.A. Fight Song” Go, go, fight BearsYou will lead us on to victoryHey, go, go, win teamBears will charge the field and never yieldSo fight, fight, fightWe’ve got the spiritAnd we’ll show our colors here tonightSo let’s cheer the purple and the gray teamMighty Bears will win the fight!
Central Connecticut State
“C.C.S.U. Victory” We’re starting out for victory todayWe’re going to win because there’s no other wayWe’re starting out for victory todayWe’re going to win for CCS, for CCS.The boys of CCS are weThe boys of CCS are weStarting out on a stormy sea,We’re starting out for victory todayWe’re going to win because there’s no other […]
Central Florida Knights
UCF charge onto the fieldwith our spirit we’ll never yieldWe’re singing Black and GoldCharge right through the lineVictory is our only cryV-I-C-T-O-R-YTonight our knights will shine.
Central Michigan Chippewa
“The Fighting Chippewa” (Chorus)Come on and Fight Central down the field,Fight for Victory,Fight fellows never yield,We’re with you o’ varsity (go Central)Onward with banners boldTo our colors we’ll be true,Fight for Maroon and Gold,Down the field for CMU! (Refrain)Victory – Rah Rah!Varsity – Rah Rah!Chippewas we’re proud of our nickname,Hear our song – Rah Rah!Loud […]
Central Missouri State Mules
“Go Mules” Go Mules! Fight to win for the team we love the best.Go Mules! Don’t give in, put our name above the rest.Fight! Fight! Fight!Go Mules! We’re for you and we let the whole world know,That at C-M-S-U, it’s go, Mules go!
California Poly SLO Mustangs
“Ride High, You Mustangs” Ride High, You Mustangs,Kick the frost out, burn the breeze.Ride High, You Mustangs,Those Bow-wows we’ll knock to their kneesHi, Ki, Yi!Ride High, You Mustangs,Chin the moon and do it right.Ride High, and cut a rusty,Fight! Fight! Fight!
California State – Hayward Pioneers
“Pioneer Fight Song” The Pioneers are blasting offThe countdown has begun,No matter how tough the foes we meetWe’ll have them on the run,The spirit of our college fairIs one that can’t be beat,And when the starting whistle blowsWe’ll just turn on the heat. The colors of our college fair–The Red, the White, the Black,Will carry […]