“Butler War Song” We’ll sing the Butler war song,We’ll give a fighting cry;We’ll fight the Butler battle–Bulldogs ever do or die.And in the glow of the victory firelight,Hist’ry cannot denyTo add a page or twoFor Butler’s fighting crewBeneath the Hoosier sky.
California Golden Bears
“Fight for California” Our sturdy Golden Bear is watching from the skyLooks down upon our colors fairAnd guards us from his lairOur banner Gold and BlueThe symbol on it tooMeans Fight! for CaliforniaFor California through and through.Stalwart girded for the frayWill strive for victoryTheir all at Mater’s feet will layThat brain and brawn will win […]
California Poly SLO Mustangs
“Ride High, You Mustangs” Ride High, You Mustangs,Kick the frost out, burn the breeze.Ride High, You Mustangs,Those Bow-wows we’ll knock to their kneesHi, Ki, Yi!Ride High, You Mustangs,Chin the moon and do it right.Ride High, and cut a rusty,Fight! Fight! Fight!
California State – Hayward Pioneers
“Pioneer Fight Song” The Pioneers are blasting offThe countdown has begun,No matter how tough the foes we meetWe’ll have them on the run,The spirit of our college fairIs one that can’t be beat,And when the starting whistle blowsWe’ll just turn on the heat. The colors of our college fair–The Red, the White, the Black,Will carry […]
California State – Sacramento Hornets
“Fight, Hornet, Fight!” Fight on, Sacramento State, Fight on to victory.The Hornet is on the wing.The foe will know that we can show themWe’re meant for fame and glory.All the World will knowThe Hornet’s NEST is BEST in the WEST by TEST!Sacramento State, LET’S GO!!! Go, Go, Go, Go, Go,Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight,Go, Fight, […]
Boston College Eagles
For Boston, for Boston, We sing our proud refrain!For Boston, for Boston, ‘Tis Wisdon’s earthly faneFor here we are one and our hearts are true,And the towers on the Heights reach to Heav’n’s own blue.For Boston, for Boston, Till the echoes ring again
Boston Terriers
Go BU, Go BU!Sing her praises loud and true!We’ll fight for our alma mater,On to sure victory!!Fight! Fight! Fight!Go BU, Go BU!Down the ice to score anew!Our hearts are with you as you meet the foe.We hail you, Ole BU!
Bowling Green Falcons
“Forward Falcons”(played after a score) Forward Falcons!Forward Falcons!Fight for victory,Show our spirit,Make them fear it,Fight for ol’ B-G.Forward Falcons!Forward Falcons!Make the contest keen,Hold up the fameOf our mighty nameAnd win for Bowling Green! “Ay Ziggy Zoomba”(played after a win) Ay Ziggy Zoomba Zoomba ZoombaAy Ziggy Zoomba Zoomba ZeAy Ziggy Zoomba Zoomba ZoombaAy Ziggy Zoomba Zoomba […]
Bradley Braves
“Bradley Loyalty Song” (“Charge on Bradley”) Here’s our pledge to Bradley,Loyal hearts and hands,Loudly sing your praises,In a mighty band,Ever forward Bradley,We’ll praise you to the sky,Ever keep your banners flying while you hear our cry!Charge on, Charge on, Bradley,March right down the field,Foes may press you,Foes may even stress you,But we’ll never yield,Fight for […]
Brigham Young Cougars
Rise, all loyal CougarsAnd hurl your challenge to the foe.We will fight, day or night,Rain or snow.Loyal, strong and true,Wear the White and Blue.As we sing, get set to spring.Come on Cougars, it’s up to you!(STAND)So Rise and Shout, the Cougars are outWe’re on a trail to fame and glory.Rise and shout, our cheers will […]