“On Saxon Warriors” On Saxon WarriorsThe Purple and the Gold defendOn Saxon WarriorsEver on like menCrash thru the opponent’s lineAnd vict’ry will come our wayFight, fight for AlfredAnd you will win the day. YIP!
“Allegheny Pep Song” Fair Alma Mater, you’ve been true,Thru think or thin we’ll stick by you;You have been our shield,On the floor or on the field,And we’re going to start to Fight Allegheny,Fight, Fight, Fight!Fight Allegheny, with all your might,It is up to youTo protect the Gold and Blue,Fight on to Victory! Join our song […]
Amherst Minutemen
“Lord Jeffery Amherst” Oh, Lord Jeffery Amherst was a soldier of the kingAnd he came from across the sea,To the Frenchmen and the Indians he didn’t do a thingIn the wilds of this wild country,In the wilds of this wild country.And for his royal majesty he fought with all his might,For he was a soldier […]
Air Force Falcons
Off we go into the wild blue yonder,Climbing high into the sun.Here they come zooming to meet our thunder,At’em boys, give ‘er the gun!Down we dive spouting our flame from underOff with one helluva roar!We live in fame or go down in flame! Hey!Nothing’ll stop the US Air Force! “Falcon Fight Song”(Played after the PAT) […]
Akron Zips
“Akron Blue and Gold” We cheer the Akron Blue and Gold.We cheer as the colors unfold.We pledge anew, we’re all for you,As the team goes crashing throughFight! Fight!We cheer The Akron Warriors bold,For they’re fighting a fight that’s a sight to behold.So we stand up, cheer and shout,for the Akron Blue and Gold.Zzzip! Zip go […]
Xavier Musketeers
Sing the song and sing it loud and long,Let it be our pledge today,Our Alma Mater proud and strong,Old Xavier for aye!(Repeat)
Yale Bulldogs
“Down the Field” March, march on down the field,Fighting for Eli.Break through that crimson line,Their strength to defy.We’ll give a long cheer for Eli’s men.We’re here to win again.Harvard’s team may fight to the end,But Yale will win! “Bulldog” Bulldog, bulldog, bow-wow-wow, Eli Yale!Bulldog, bulldog, bow-wow-wow, our team will never fail!When the sons of Eli […]
Youngstown State Penguins
The red and white are waving over the fieldOur team is fighting with the spirit that will not yieldRah rah rah!Hail to thee O YoungstownWe’ll fight for youOnce again the Penguins will win for YSU!
Wisconsin Milwaukee Panthers
Fight-Fight-Fight for UWMFight to the end,Win it againFight-Fight-Fight for the Black and GoldOur teams brave and boldTo victory we’ll holdFight-Fight-Fight for UWMFight for her fameWe’ll win this gameAnd when the panther on the prowlgives a howl and a growlWe’ll Fight-Fight-For UWM.
Wisconsin Oshkosh Titans
“Hail, Titans!” Hail Titans! Hail Titans!Sons strong and mighty of the U W OHail Titans! Hail Titans!Titans to victory!Let’s go charging down the field,Fighting Titans never yield;For the Gold and the WhiteWe will fight, fight! U-rah-rah!