Wildcats of Northern,We’re all behind you in this game.Wildcats of Norhern,We’ll do our best to win acclaim.You are the pride and joyOf every person young and old.So do your best for Northern’s glory,Fight for the Green and Gold. FIGHT ON!!!FIGHT ON!!(da da da da da da da da da dut dut)FIGHT ON!!FIGHT ON!!(da da da […]
Northwest Nazarene
“Victory is Sure” Bugle calling into lineForward ev’ry one in timeStudents of dear old N.N.C.Into the conflict for victoryBanners floating in the airShouts of triumph ev’rywhereRight for victoryFight for victoryDear old N.N.C. Vict’ry is sure for our CollegeAs forward we go with our bannersWe’re ready with strength and with knowledgeTo bring the laurels to old […]
Northwestern Missouri State Bearcats
“Bearcat Fight Song” Come on and fight,You Bearcats fight,On to victory.Hail the Green and White,Best in history.Come on and fight,You Bearcats fight,Proud, brave and strong we stand.Our glorious colors raised triumphantly,Across Missouri land.
North Carolina State Wolfpack
Shout aloud to the men who will play the game to winWe’re behind you, keep fighting for State,Hold that line, hold ’em fast,We’ll reach victory at lastWe’re behind you, keep fighting for State,Rise up to the fray and let your colors wave,Shout out for dear old N.C. State! GO STATE!And where-e’er we go,we’ll let the […]
Northwestern State Demons
“Demon Fight Song” Go, ye Demons take the fieldNorthwestern Demons never yieldFight, Demons, win tonightVictory is on our sideGo! Fight! Win!Purple and white shall ever reignFilling the air with battle strains.So, Demons forever stand, andFight for Dear old Demonland.
North Carolina Tar Heels
Here comes Carolina-lina.Here comes Carolina-lina.We hail from NCU.We’ve got the spirit in it.We’ve got the team to win it.We wear the colors white and blue,So it’s fight, fight, fight for CarolinaAs Davie did in days of oldAs we gather round the WellCheer that Tar Heel team like hellFor the glory of NCU. I’m a Tar […]
Northwestern Wildcats
“Go U, Northwestern” Go U Northwestern, Break right through that line,With our colors flying, we will cheer you all the time,U Rah, Rah,Go U Northwestern, fight for victorySpread far the fame of our fair name,Go Northwestern, win that game.(whistle)Go Northwestern, go!(whistle)Go Northwestern, go!Hit ’em hard!Hit ’em low!Go Northwestern, go!(Repeat first verse)
North Carolina Wilmington Seahawks
“Green and Gold” Green and gold, green and gold,It’s green and gold for me,Soaring Seahawks, scoring Seahawks,Fight for victory;To the green and gold we proudly hail,Our green and gold will never fail,For the green and gold we’ll yell and yell,Go Seahawks!
North Dakota Fighting Souix
“Varsity Song” It’s for you North Dakota UThat we sing your sons and daughters trueCheering our comrades to victoryRenewing allegiance to UND,Your honor we uphold in ev’ry conquest.As your children aye shall doAnd Whene’er you hear that cry of ODZ! ODZ! DZI!It’s for you, North Dakota U.Fight on Sioux, we’re all for you,We’re thousands of […]
Northeastern Huskies
“All Hail Northeastern” All Hail, Northeastern,We sing in jubilee,All Hail, NortheasternMarch proudly, ever free;All Hail, Northeastern,We give salute to thee,Through the years,We ever will acclaimThy glorious destiny.